Winter Solstice and Cacao Ceremony Women's Circle

21st June, 2024
Winter Solstice and Cacao Ceremony Women's Circle

We extend a heartfelt invitation for you to join the women in a circle as we honour and celebrate the profound alchemy of the Winter Solstice.


We extend a heartfelt invitation for you to join the women in a circle as we honour and celebrate the profound alchemy of the Winter Solstice. As the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer, we morph into a space of introspection, pregnant with potential, which invites us to transcend the limits of our minds and surrender to a more profound yearning of the heart. It is a time to nurture our desires and tenderly embrace the shadows within to release the gifts hidden beneath. This turning point holds immense power of insight where we can dream ambitiously and birth intention with deeper meaning, a softer energy, and a clearer path. Whether you are familiar with women's circles or a first-timer, all are warmly welcomed. Join us as we create a sacred space of connection that honours endings and beginnings. Through ancient wisdom practices, we cultivate harmony and the inherent knowing of the feminine spirit. We gather in a circle of deep safety, listening and truth-speaking, where paradigm shifts occur, we will honour the longest night, inviting our souls to discern what has outlived its usefulness and make way for unencumbered visions to emerge. We warmly invite you to bring a small token or offering with personal meaning, symbolizing your connection to the Winter Solstice and the divine feminine. Together, we shall embark on a soul-stirring experience, touching the depths of our being and awakening the magic that resides within. Please remember to bring a water bottle and a wrap to keep warm. We have plenty of mats, bolsters and cushions. Be your Inspiration Love, Light and Joy As the world slumbers beneath the velvet cloak of winter, we stand at the threshold of that solstice, where shadows give way to the promise of a radiant dawn within. ABOUT THIS CIRCLE: -Within this circle, we practice specific guidelines that hold the sanctity and safety of this space. -We all gather as equals, without hierarchy, corners, or podiums. -We honour the rhythm of one woman speaking at a time while the others practice open-hearted listening. -We communicate using "I" language, embracing our own experiences. -When we share, we do so with sincerity and authenticity; this is a powerful act of courage that may require practice. -Remember, you are your authority; you only share what feels right. -This space is a sanctuary, free from advice-giving, fixing, therapy, unsolicited comments, or feedback. -Judgments are left at the threshold, outside the sacred circle. -The sacredness of our circle hinges on our commitment to confidentiality and our dedication to treating one another with the utmost care and respect. -These guidelines ensure a harmonious and enriching experience. In a space free of competition, comparison and judgement, there exists an innate knowing that calls - I am safe, I belong. MEET VIDA I am a seeker of wisdom, lover of ritual, sacred space and all things mindful. I have been guiding women's circles, running retreats, workshops and inspirational coaching for 20-plus years, providing sacred spaces and opportunities for soul-stirring, heart-opening, mind-clearing transformative experiences. My work is a carefully orchestrated blend of ancient wisdom practice, mindfulness, and contemporary techniques that change the fundamental relationship between ourselves and our world. Together, we delve into mental, emotional, intuitive, and spiritual intelligence, unlocking hidden potentials and embracing the wisdom that lies within. Be your Inspiration.